فارسی عربي


Venezuelan filmfest to host Iran cinema

Three Iranian screen productions have entered the On-Line International Film Festival of the Five Continents in Venezuela.

The movies including ‘A Little Incident’, ‘From Us’ and ‘For Him’ have been selected for competition section of the event.

‘A Little Incident’ is about a young man whose dream is to have his life depicted on the silver screen.

‘From Us’ has been showcased in a number of international film events such as the 21st Kolkata International Film Festival of India, 31st International BLACK Short Film Festival of Germany, 4th International Kanyakumari Film Festival of India and 2nd International Cinalfama Lisbon of Portugal.

Directed by Seyyed Morteza Sabzeghaba, ‘For Him’ tells the story of an old father who has been waiting for years for his son to return from a journey of no return.

The International Film Festival On-Line of the Five Continents is a monthly festival, featuring products of cinematography, feature films, short films, video clips and web series from around the world.

The International Film Festival On-Line of the Five Continents is scheduled to run on 26 January 2017.

